The Quantum Broadcaster
The Ultimate Manifestation Tool
Harness the power of the Quantum Broadcaster and get what you desire

The Quantum Broadcaster is a tool that eliminates all opportunities for the conscious, subconscious, or unconscious to alter what you’d like to attract while energetically charging your desires so they can manifest into your reality.
There’s no limit to what can be broadcasted, manifested, attracted, corrected, or balanced with the Quantum Broadcaster. It's already being successfully used by many of our Australian and international dowsing and radionics students as well as farmers, gardeners, healers, alternative health practitioners, and people from all walks of life to enhance and better their lives and the lives of their families and friends.
Whether it be a loving romantic relationship, a new job, more financial abundance, protecting you and your family from outside influences, vibrant well-being, travel, a flourishing garden, a high-yield crop, attracting the right customer and staff members to your business or reducing pests and diseases on farms – what you can manifest and attract is limitless.
Dare To Manifest is also used by dowsers and radionics practitioners. It describes what a witness is and how to create them. It is an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide on how to form and write a clear intent that leads to success as well as selecting and testing the right Quantum Activation Codes and Reagents for your broadcast.
It’s time to take control and start manifesting the life you truly desire.
Quantum Broadcaster & Accessories
A3 Quantum Broadcasters
The Quantum Broadcaster is a tool that eliminates all these opportunities for the conscious, subconscious or unconscious altering of what you’d like to create, and you can manifest with confidence knowing your order is set.
These special Quantum Broadcasters are digitally projected graphics with matt overlaminate printed onto an aluminium composite tablet.
As a result, this tablet cannot be bent, guarantees an easy setup on all surfaces, is waterproof, and can easily be cleaned with a damp cloth or even methylated spirits.
Dare To Manifest Book
Dare To Manifest is your complete guide on tapping into universal Source energy and harnessing the power of the Quantum Broadcaster to manifest a life you love, desire and deserve.
Whether it be a loving romantic relationship, a new job or job opportunities, financial abundance, vibrant well-being, safe travel, a flourishing garden, a high-yield crop, protection for your family and loved ones, healthy and productive animals, attracting the right customers and staff members to your business or reducing pests and diseases on farms and ranches - there is no limit to what can be broadcasted, manifested, attracted, corrected or balanced with the Quantum Broadcaster.
It's time to take control and start manifesting the life and experiences you truly desire.
A4 Quantum Broadcasters
The Quantum Broadcaster is a tool that eliminates all these opportunities for the conscious, subconscious or unconscious altering of what you’d like to create, and you can manifest with confidence knowing your order is set.
These special Quantum Broadcasters are digitally projected graphics with matt overlaminate printed onto an aluminium composite tablet.
As a result, this tablet cannot be bent, guarantees an easy setup on all surfaces, is waterproof, and can easily be cleaned with a damp cloth or even methylated spirits.
Quantum Activated Codes (QACs) & QAC Sets
$60 - $200
Over 35 different QACs and 10 QAC sets for all uses.
See the full list by clicking here.
With QACs we can imprint, capture and potentize specifically targeted resonance energies, frequencies, vibrations, rates, tones, fractals, octaves and ‘intent’ into a physical silica-based crystal substrate.These QACs will hold the ‘blueprint’ for which they are created for.
Any QAC/QACs can be added into your Radionics input well for a direct broadcast and/or copied into another medium (water, sugar pills, silica crystal etc.).
They are also used on the Quantum Broadcasters with our Universal Energy Tesla Coil as free-standing resonance broadcasters.
Banner Quantum Broadcasters
Small $150 | Large $250
The Quantum Broadcaster is a tool that eliminates all these opportunities for the conscious, subconscious or unconscious altering of what you’d like to create, and you can manifest with confidence knowing your order is set.
The small and large banners are designed to be used on healing tables, as wall decoration and to lie down on.
Small (1.3m x .90m ) - $150
Large (1.77m x 1.26m) - $250
Universal Energy Tesla Coils
$50 - $250
The Perfect Spiral, a unique passive energy lens, enhances natural resonance (scalar) wherever it's placed. It's designed to amplify the flow of healing energy to any aches or pains, making it a powerful tool for alternative healing. Simply hold the coil close to the affected area or organism to experience its benefits.
Increase the energetic resonance of drinking water, crystals, affirmations and other patterns of information.​
Small (5.5cm)
Single Coil - $50
Buy 3, get 1 free - $150
Buy 5, get 2 free - $250
Large (22.5cm)
Single Coil - $250​
2 Coils for - $450